
Hello There. I do not know what has led you here, but since you arrived, this has allowed me to introduce myself. My name is Josh, and I am currently a PhD Candidate at the University of Virginia studying astrochemistry. I am originally from the beautiful and rugged state of West Virginia, growing up immersed in the hills and hardwood forests of the Appalachian Mountains. This is where I attended two undergraduate institutions: Potomac State College and West Virginia University. There, my interests grew in physical chemistry, where I involved myself in research involving observational astronomy and kinetics of radicals at high temperatures. After graduation from WVU, I was accepted to the Ph.D. program in chemistry at the University of Virginia. I work in the Herbst Lab studying the formation of organic molecules in cold regions of interstellar space. This has involved using astrochemical codes to understand how specific formation routes contribute to the molecular inventory observed from Earth and also using deep learning techniques to increase the extent of our chemical networks.

When I am not working on research, my days are filled with my endless number of hobbies. I enjoy reading fantasy books, primarily those that involve Tolkien's legendarium, and textbooks mostly around concepts in physical chemistry. You will also find me outdoors, where I enjoy fishing, hunting, hiking, and backpacking, where I love taking pictures. Making many different foods and materials also piques my interest. This includes making homemade cleaning supplies, cooking, especially bread baking, and my newest hobby: homebrewing. My grandfather used to make homemade wine, which my father inherited. And now, I have delved into the lovely craft of brewing mead.


  • Associate of Arts in Chemistry
  • Potomac State College of WVU

  • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
  • West Virginia University

  • PhD Candidate in Chemistry
  • University of Virginia

Research Interests

  • Astrochemistry
  • Kinetic Modelling
  • Quantum Chemical Calculations
  • Deep Learning Applications in Chemistry